I know many others have talked about how much this class has affected them but it’s so true, this honestly has been one of my favorite classes I have taken at UGA! I now it sounds cliché but this class has brought back the fun in learning. I am currently working on a Spanish minor and for a while was beginning to contemplate whether or not I wanted to continue pursuing the minor or not. I was feeling school itself was turning into a telenovela and wasn’t sure I was going to be able to keep up with it all! It was this class that made me decide to finish my minor, and made me remember that learning Spanish is fun!
Learning about telenovelas has been so interesting. I was curious coming into the class what all I would learn from a course just on Spanish soap opera and I was amazed at how much goes in to make the shows, all the social aspects and connections there are to the real world and real world issues. The telenovela isn’t just entertainment ( though there is much of that!) but its history. To the Latin culture it is what their life revolves around! I love getting to share all that we learn and of my new love for telenovelas to my friends and family. Everyone is always so baffled that I’m taking a class on soap operas but once I explain it they are jealous they aren’t taking the class! I’m so happy that I took this class and got to now get hooked onto one more form of entertainment!
I really agree with your post, Blake. I wasn't exactly sure what I was getting myself into when I signed up for this class, even though I had heard great things about Dr. A. I honestly look forward to coming to class because I know there is still so much to learn and talk about considering how expansive the telenovela world is. Although I have a Hispanic background, I didn't know very much about this genre at all and definitely had a skewed image of what a telenovela was and the people that watched them. It's really cool to finally have an interesting topic to talk about when family-friends ask what exciting courses I'm taking this semester! I almost wish there was another class that followed this one and further delved into this enthralling topic.