This is a class blog run by Dr. Carolina Acosta-Alzuru and her students in the course "Telenovelas, Culture and Society" at the University of Georgia during Spring 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Telenovela" El Monterey

As I was just watching T.V a commercial came on that immediately caught my attention. Usually during the commercials I am preoccupied, doing anything thing else but actually watching the T.V, but the moment I heard this commercial I quickly looked up and loved what I saw. I heard the sound of latin music, and a deep dramatic announcer voice introducing the return of "El Monterey" followed with a very suspenseful dramatic scene. I at first was confused because I didn't remember changing the channel to Telemundo...but then I realized that it wasn't an actual telenovela but it was a commercial. The commercial was playing off the characteristics of a telenovela to then promote their restaurant and brand. I about died laughing when I realized what was going on. We had learned before spring break that telenovelas are being used to send health and other messages to the country, this I found very interesting and down right brilliant idea. I suppose that this type of telenovela use is expanding to every day brand advertising as well. For in this specific commercial they were just promoting the restaurant. I was searching for the commercial on google and ended up finding the whole "series" of them! Ill attach the link bellow so you all can get a laugh from these commercials, and actually this blog also shows the process of producing the commercial as well so it all ties in to what we are now discussing in class! Check it out!

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